Web server query interface

The query interface of a Controller provides access to timeline status information, text slot contents, etc. for custom web pages.


If you GET the URL:


and command and args are recognised, the controller will return the result of the query, else, it will return a 204 (No Response) HTTP header.

Data will be returned as XML. Recognised commands are:


Get Controller Settings

Get a summary of the Controller's settings.

Sample Response
  <projectName>My First Show</projectName>
  <projectAuthor>Joe Bloggs</projectAuthor>

<date>, <time>, <sunrise> and <sunset> are in local time.

LPC X will have a <networkInterface2> tag with the network details of the second interface.

AVC will not have a <projectUploadDate> tag.

Get Current Time

Get a time and date from the Controller's system clock in local time.

Sample Response
Get Timelines

Get a list of timelines in the project. id is the timeline number.

Sample Response
  <timeline id = "1">
    <name>My First Timeline</name>
  <timeline id = "3">
Get Timeline Statuses

Gets the current status of timelines in the project. id is the timeline number.

Sample Response
  <timelineStatus id = "1">
  <timelineStatus id = "3">

Valid values for <playState> are:

Get Text Slots

Get a list of text slots in the project, along with their current values.

Sample Response
  <textSlot name = "slot_name">slot value</textSlot>

Multiple text slots can be requested by adding multiple query arguments, for example:

GET http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/query/textSlot?slot1&slot2&slot3

If a slot name is not recognised, it will be ignored.

Get Global Lua Variables

Get the value of a global Lua variable.

Sample Response
  <variable name = "variable_name">variable value</variable>

Multiple variables can be requested by adding multiple query arguments, for example:

GET http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/query/variable?variable1&variable2&variable3

If a variable name is not recognised, or if the variable's value cannot be represented as text, the <variable> tag will contain no value.

If a variable name is a Lua table it will be returned in an XML format as follows:

  <variable name="variable1">
    <variable name="1a">value 1a</variable>
    <variable name="1b">value 1b</variable>
  <variable name="variable2">value 2</variable>


An example file can be found here.

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